With the ongoing surge of COVID-19 cases in LA County, and the fact that Culver City has closed its schools, the odds of our having a traditional scion exchange this year are starting to look slim. Fortunately, Fang has reactivated the Scion Exchange app he built last year so we can start posting our Offers and Wants now. If the rate of hospitalizations and deaths stays the same, we will use the format we did last year. IE folks can drop any OFFERS requested on Saturday February 12th at my driveway (labelled please!) . I will sort them and make them available for pickup by the WANTERS on Sunday February 13th. There is a place on the app to work out these exchanges ahead of time and please do so.
Of course, if COVID miraculously goes into retreat, we can do the exchange of Offers and Wants all in one morning on the outdoor patio of our beloved MutliPurpose Room. We would still need to be masked and respect social distancing.
This year, as was true last year, the Exchange will unfortunately only be open to the West LA Chapter. The link to Fang’s app has been sent to all current members. If you didn’t receive it, please let us know.
Also please stay tuned for updates. Circumstances can change on a daily basis.
Photo by Luke White on Unsplash
I was just wondering about how we were going to go about doing it this year. Thank you for the update.