By now all chapter members should have received the address and plant price list for our field trip on the 10th. If you haven’t, please let us know! Because we are going to be allowed to park on the grounds this year, there will also be an updated address in your meeting reminder later this week.
Please, please, please email the list of your wants to us by Wednesday so we can get them to Laverne in time for them to pull the plants. They will be waiting for us at the end of the tour. They have to be paid for in CASH.
If you need more information on the size of the plants, this is a more detailed .pdf. The dates listed are when the plants, mostly described last week as SS or substandard, are expected to be up to snuff. Some of the dates will have already passed by the time we get to Piru and therefore those plants should be full size. Other dates are as soon as 10/1 but some are not until next year. Please keep that in mind when making your selections. You can also see the number of plants available for each size. and their actual dimensions.
Many of you have been startled by how much more expensive the plants are this year than in the past. We are assuming the skyrocketing prices of gas and water have much to do with that. Out of curiosity, I stopped by my local Armstrong’s Garden Center today where 5 gallon citrus trees are $59.99 and 5 gallon avocados are $69.99. Obviously the prices we are being offered are much better than that.
Anyhow, plant acquisitions aside, this is always one of my favorite tours. Our host, Director of Nursery Operations Dan Nelson, is both knowledgeable and charming and it is always fascinating to see how the pros propagate and grow up some of our most loved plants.