Our Holiday Plant sale is coming December 14th!

It will begin at 11:30 am in the MultiPurpose Room.  Absolutely NO plants will be sold before then (though of course we will be there setting up).

Given our chapter’s multi-year experiment with perennial rhubarb, there will be a LOT of rhubarb plants on offer, as well as many other items including banana pups, grafted avocados, black sapote, ice cream bean, rose apples, pepinos,  and much much more.

The specific inventory will begin appearing on our Holiday Sale page  in the next couple of weeks though will grow right up to and even during the sale.  Stay tuned!

Zettle willing, credit cards will be accepted.

Our Holiday Plant sale is coming!

Since we continue to get queries about when this or that item from last year’s sale will be available, we are putting up this notice of the 2024 sale even before our Halloween decorations go up (sheesh!) It will take place on Saturday, December 14th from 11:30 to 1:30 (or until plants run out) in our traditional MultiPurpose Room at the Culver City Veterans Memorial Building.

Given our chapter’s multi-year experiment with perennial rhubarb, there will be a LOT of rhubarb plants on offer, as well as many other items including (so far) banana pups, grafted avocados, black sapote, ice cream bean, rose apples, pepinos,  and much much more.  Early in December, the specific plant list will go up on this site, and will continue to grow (inevitably) right through the sale.   Circle the date on your calendar.  It is always a highlight of the fruit growing season.

Zettle willing, credit cards will be accepted.

Holiday Party and Big Annual Plant Sale December 9th @ 11:30 am-1:30 pm

Once again we will be holding our big holiday party and annual plant sale in our beloved MultiPurpose Room.

Plants you are donating for sale should be brought in between 10:45 and 11:30.   The sale and party will start at 11:30.

As always, this is our most festive potluck so put on your fancy duds, crank out your favorite holiday dish and be prepared to see dear old friends and make great new ones.

Since the plant sale runs much more smoothly if plants are labelled and priced ahead of time, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send a description ASAP of whatever you plan to bring:  plant name, pot size and price suggestion (if you  have one).  You can see what has already been donated here.

Charles Portney, the mainstay of our propagation efforts heretofore, has announced he is drastically downsizing so we desperately need any plants you can spare.    While our dues have not gone up in years, our room rent continues to climb.

Plant Sale and Holiday Party a Huge Success!

Much thanks to all  of you who donated your carefully nurtured plants and/or that really yummy food;  and thanks also to all of you who came and purchased plants and met us,  many because of COVID for the very first time.   Now we are all getting a little R & R.

But we will be having a field trip in January (details soon) and of course the famous CRFG Scion Exchange/Grafting demos on February 11th.  So stay tuned.  These pineapples will soon be back on their feet.  (Wait, pineapples have feet?  Talk about Rare Fruit…)


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

We need a van or truck or convertible or Santa’s sled!

Charles Portney, one of CRFG’s pre-eminent propagators, is sending more  than 50 plants (including 6-10 Becky’s Mystery banana pups)  to our plant sale, wahoo.  We need, however,  someone to pick them up at his place in Santa Monica and bring them to the Culver City Veterans’ Memorial Building on the morning of December 10th.  Charles’ yard (where he grows virtually all his food)  is legendary but he no longer opens it to field trips so if you want an opportunity to glimpse it, this is your chance!  Please Contact Us if you are willing and able.


Photo of truck  by Kevin Berrios on Unsplash , Photo of banana by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

Holiday Plant Sale and Party Party Party! December 10th 11:30 – 1:30

Yes, it is that time of year again. Haul out your party clothes (and potluck luncheon) and also any plants you have been propagating or any money you have been stashing away for new stuff.

Additional plants will be added to the plant list here right up until Sale Day (so keep checking)  and per usual, even more will show up without warning. So expect to be amazed.

Plant drop off between 11 and 11:30  (I know I used this photo last year but it is just so perfect.)

PLEASE NOTE:  Except in the unlikely event of rain, our plant sale will be entirely outside on the patio,  for COVID, flu and RSV safety


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Holiday Plant Sale and Party Party Party! December 10th 11:30 – 1:30

Yes, it is that time of year again. Haul out your party clothes (and potluck luncheon) and also any plants you have been propagating or any money you have been stashing away for new stuff.

Additional plants will be added to the plant list here right up until Sale Day (so keep checking)  and per usual, even more will show up without warning. So expect to be amazed.

Plant drop off between 11 and 11:30  (I know I used this photo last year but it is just so perfect.)

PLEASE NOTE:  Except in the unlikely event of rain, our plant sale will be entirely outside on the patio,  for COVID, flu and RSV safety


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Holiday Plant Sale and Party Party Party! December 10th 11:30 – 1:30

Yes, it is that time of year again. Haul out your party clothes (and potluck luncheon) and also any plants you have been propagating or any money you have been stashing away for new stuff.

Additional plants will be added to the plant list here right up until Sale Day (so keep checking)  and per usual, even more will show up without warning. So expect to be amazed.

Plant drop off between 11 and 11:30  (I know I used this photo last year but it is just so perfect.)

PLEASE NOTE:  Except in the unlikely event of rain, our plant sale will be entirely outside on the patio,  for COVID, flu and RSV safety


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Holiday Party and Plant Sale December 18th at 11 am

Now that we have all finished the last of our Thanksgiving cranberry sauce harvests (and getting those cans out of our backyard bogs was no picnic), it is high time we begin thinking about our fabulous CRFG-WLA Holiday Party.  Yes, thanks to Culver City’s implementation of mask-plus-proof-of-vax rules, we feel comfortable returning to face to face for the very first time in two years!

December 18th is the date, to coincide with our Holiday Plant Sale blowout.  Eleven am is the time to start schlepping stuff in though we probably won’t actually sit down until noon.  And we will be  back in our beloved MultiPurpose Room in the Culver City Memorial Complex.  Since this gives us both indoor and outdoor areas, anyone not entirely comfortable eating indoors can easily park their patooties outside (and hey, help with the Plant Sale at the same time)

So put on your best holiday duds… Margaret, break out that flashing light jewelry… cook up some holiday special to share… label and price  any plants you’re donating to our plant sale… and get ready to welcome in the winter solstice with a bang.  Wahoo!

PS  Don’t forget your proof of vax or a negative COVID test within 72 hours.  Sofia the Machete will be checking them at the door.


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Cacao tree auction – rethunk

Okay, out of deference to Lewis who will be instructing us in the arcane art of growing and processing coffee in the comfort of our own backyards and homes, we have decided to move the Cacao Tree auction to the end of the our Saturday meeting, after his lecture and all the Qs and As.

As a result, this will be a Live Auction, with — to minimize confusion — one tree being auctioned at a time. At this point (obviously this is an ongoing, seat of the pants work-in-progress and could change entirely by Saturday) I think that once the auction has begun, bids most efficiently can be sent to your humble chair via the Chat function or by Hand Raising for a specific bid, like “I have a bid of $10. Do I hear $11?” (Do any chapter members have experience as auctioneers?) Once Tree #1 is sold, we will move on to Tree #2, etc. until all six trees are sold. I will invoice the winners with PayPal and trees can be picked up at the same location as last year’s plant sale and this year’s scion exchange.

If anyone has a better idea for how we should do this, please let us know!

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