Since we got a question about this, I thought I should let interested readers know how we are doing. At least four of us have been successfully growing various combinations of the seeds from Australia and England. One other experimenter had no luck with germination and yet another hasn’t started her seeds yet. Of course, so far we haven’t been through an entire calendar year, so we still have no idea if these plants will be perennial for us. But I can say that the Tina’s Noble seeds from French Harvest in Australia has made absolutely beautiful plants, as you can see. These — sown last July and put out into the garden in September — are easily up to my waist.
Hello, I am dying to grow rhubarb here in Claremont, on the eastern edge of LA County. I’ve tried a few times but never gotten more than a few tiny stalks, usually followed by death of the palnt. I followed the links for the New Zealand winter rhubarb varieties by which you listed in your original article, however, their website does not seem to be working anymore and I was not able to order from them. Do you happen to have an email address for them? (Even the contact form does not work). Or do you or anyone you know have any seeds for “Tina’s Noble” for sale? Thank you!
Jessie, we will be offering a couple of Tina’s Noble and Success rhubarb plants at our big plant sale on December 18th. Also I just got onto the Claytons’ site with no trouble. Try and see if that works better. We found Tina’s Noble the most successful here but see the comment above about the success of Glaskins’ Pereptual elsewhere. Also Tina suggested we could try Next Generation which was the rhubarb Tina’s Noble was bred from. You could try her directly at