Both Bruce and Arnie — who provided basic grafting instruction to generations of high school students and us older newbies as well— lost homes in the Palisades fire and are understandably overwhelmed right now. Nonetheless WLA Chapter does not lack for expert grafters. This includes AJ, famed as The Graft Man on Youtube, and Sagi, who has shared his knowledge at many meetings over the years. They both did much-appreciated grafting demos last year and have amazing yards jam-packed with trees both in pots and in the ground that demonstrate the brilliance of their work. And they will kindly share what they have learned with us.
They will start with a general talk on the whys and wherefore of grafting and a demo of the basic cleft graft. (You can read more about that here.) Then we will break into smaller groups so we can get up close and personal as they demonstrate various more complicated grafts. Because we are unable to have the graft-your-own clinic we had hoped for, the LA chapter is allowing us to join theirs (details below).
Scions for our Exchange should be brought in to the MultiPurpose Room between 9:30 and 10:00. Members who bring in scions to share will get priority at choosing other ones, followed by chapter members and then by non-members.
Please please please, if possible, renew your memberships online before coming. It cuts down on the utter chaos (and lines) at the entrance. You can renew your chapter membership here. And national membership here.
Instructions on how to cut and store scion wood are here. No citrus or curry leaf (because of huanglongbing disease) or patented varieties, please!
The LA Chapter Grafting Clinic will take place February 22nd @ 10 am at the Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Blvd, Encino, CA. They tell us: “Bill Brandt (who is also a member of WLA) will provide an informative talk about various ways to graft scions. Then we’ll break into groups so our additional guest instructors can guide you through each step to graft onto your rootstock. If you own grafting tools, you are encouraged to bring them to the workshop. A limited number of rootstocks will be available for purchase for $5 for members and $10 for non-members to cover the cost of materials. Of course WLA members are welcome to join the LA chapter on the spot if they so desire.”