Yes, our biggest meeting of the year is just about upon us. And for 2020, we are again going to provide intimate, close-up-and-personal grafting demos by having four different experts each holding down his own table and teaching a variety of different grafts, the Cleft Graft, the Budding Graft, the Veneer Graft, etc.
The meeting will be in the MultiPurpose Room of the Culver City Veterans Memorial complex. The schedule will be as follows:
10 – 10:30 – Registration, affixing of the name tags, the Bringing In and Arranging of the Scion Wood (Click here to access a .pdf on how to collect and store scion wood from your orchard) Please place each variety in its own ziploc bag and label it! Also, if you intend to collect wood at our exchange, bring more ziplocs, and a Magic Marker to label your precious finds.
NOTE: Because of huanglongbing disease, NO CITRUS scion wood, fruit or roostock should be brought to the meeting or otherwise moved around the state.
10:30 – 11:00 The Grafting Demos (you are encouraged to watch each of them, but obviously you can camp for the duration in front of Fang Liu, for example, if you are trying to master the veneer graft)
11:00-11:30 – Members allowed to select scion wood
11:30 -noon – Non-members allowed to select scion wood
Alas, because our Chair is currently on medical leave, we will not be doing the hands-on grafting we did last year. We hope, however, to be able to add it again for 2021